LED Displays - Avatar Sports Electronics

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LED Displays

Indoors or out, the LED Display is a vital part of an effective timer system. DRILLClock LED Displays have been designed to perform the "visual" task of communicating with the coaching staff. Especially on the outdoor practice field, large, super bright numbers make a difference. Easy to read at over 100 yards, the MAX20 Display is a clear winner on the practice field! Made from materials that have been chosen specifically to last for years without problems. The cabinet is 0.093" ABS plastic and the front display includes a Makrolon protective panel with a difusion lens cover which gives a wide angle of viewing.

The MAX20 Display connection panel has a high output audio jack and a digital volt meter to monitor battery power. It also has a XLR jack for external triggering.
picture Max20
Display Cart
All steel construction with 5inch wheels for stability and lots of room for pads and pencils! The Display Cart is designed for the DRILLClock timers and MAX20 LED Display. A special wire harness brings the connections that you use to a common panel. The Display Cart wire harness has both battery and AC line power with automatic switch over from AC to battery power.

Assembling the Display Cart after its arival can be accomplished in about an hour.
TriPod Stand
A 73" stand for the MAX20 LED Display, it has wide legs for a stable base.  The TriPod Stand provides height for a clear view of the MAX20 LED Display.   
Display Cart
SEG-10 LED Display
The SEG-10 LED Display is designed to work with the MAX20 LED Display, mounting the two together is an adapter pole with sure locking buttons. The double display will work on the Display Cart to widen the view on the practice field.  The SEG-10 can also be used as a stand alone LED display for the DM1-100 Timer.
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