Timer Systems - Avatar Sports Electronics

Avatar Sports Electronics

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Timer Systems

How To Purchase
Avatar Custom Electronics uses Paypal for a safe transaction that you can trust. We also accept school purchase orders by Email.
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If you have questions about the products offered, please send us an Email or give us a call. We want your Segment Timer to provide the specific operation and functionality that you are buying it for.
The DM1-100 MAX20 Field Timer System Components
1. DM1-100 Timer Controller
2. MAX20 LED Display
3. RFTX Wireless remote trigger
4. 2- 15Watt outdoor audio horns, wired with phone plug,  with hardware
5. Tripod stand
6. *Power Pack 10Ahr AGM battery, bag
7.* Charger 1000mah two stage
8. Raingear, clear vinyl, bad weather cover
9. Printed operator manual
10. CD Information disc
11. Warranty on all components 4 years, covering parts and labor

Contact Us:
Web: www.avatarcustomelectronics.com
Toll Free Phone:  866-467-9313

*If you prefer AC line power, we will exchange power supplies at no extra charge.
This is our Best Deal for our BEST Segment Timer System! If you want a Segment Timer that is a breeze to use, this is it!  The Display Cart is a solid base for the MAX20 and SEG-10 LED displays. This arrangment places the audio horns at the top where they project best. This Display Cart package includes the wire harness with connection panel, Power Switch and Trigger input jack. It also includes our best power system with 10Ahr AGM battery plus AC switching power supply. Plug into AC power and the battery becomes a backup supply that will switch on if AC power is lost.
Introductory Offer!
DM1-100 MAX20 Timer System
Includes: SEG-10 Display  
 Display Cart w/wire harness
(without displays)
with wire harness
DM1-100 MAX20 "Field Timer System"
with SEG-10 Display
and Free Shipping
SEG-10 LED Display
with riser pole, AC power
and Sun Visor
DM1-100 MAX20
  Still $875.00 plus
$75.00 flat rate shipping!
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